
Tag: Search Marketing

3 Unique Areas To Explore When Hiring A PPC Agency

When it comes to PPC, we all know it’s a very competitive area of SEO.  There are a variety of credibility badges that agencies present during the sales process, include audits, case studies, client testimonials, technology, and more.  Despite the fact it’s always good that agencies are providing this information, that doesn’t make them special, […]

Organic VS Paid: What Hewlett-Packard $10 Million In Search Revenue Tells Us

Does paid search campaign really eat into organic revenue, even with substantial organic visibility?  Resolution Media an Kenshoo have done a study to prove if this is really this case or not. Ginny Marvin of Search Engine Land has posted an article on the site describing the study performed by Resolution Media and Kenshoo.  In the […]

B2B Remarketing Campaign Secrets

Although remarketing already has been around for awhile now on the display side of marketing, it seems that it has been picking up not only steam, but more people are adopting it on the paid search side.  Regardless of remarketing’s recent popularity, as with everything else, there are those who know how to take advantage […]

Search Privacy Low On List Of Privacy Concerns For US Internet Users

Recently a new survey of US internet users find that concern over search privacy ranks far behind other online privacy issues. In the survey, a thousand adults were covered by the Pew Research Center in the US. The survey was conducted last month and it asked a wide range of questions about online privacy. To […]

10 Questions To Ask Before You Hire A Customer Review Management Service

Reputation can mean a lot to a company or business’s image.  It can’t spell the difference between success in utter failure. There are probably hungry a review management services out there, but it’s difficult to find out which service is better than the other. In order to help find out, here are some questions to […]