
Category: E-commerce

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The Psychology Of Pricing: How To Boost eCommerce Sales (Infographics)

Do you want to find ways to increase your eCommerce sales and find out how you an price your products effectively using psychology? WF Business has shared some psychological pricing tricks that you can use in the following infographic. Here’s a quick summary: Cut the clutter The left digit effect Keep it low and small […]

How Do You Leverage Social Media In eCommerce?

Social media has played an important role in business for years now, allowing brands to have a great way to push their messaging to their target audiences. The purpose of social media in the digital marketing space helps companies establish a stronger web presence, generating leads, increased traffic, as well as a great way to […]

3 Must Know Trends For The Holiday Season

Is your business ready for online shopping this holiday season? Get acquainted with the latest eCommerce trends to dominate this year. With a little know-how, you can begin to adjust your marketing strategy to match online behavior. Watch this White Shark Media video to learn more.

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SEO For Ecommerce And The Future of Google Shopping

In this Search Engine Journal video, We see Loren Baker talk with Ethan Giffin, the founder and CEO of Baltimore-based Groove Commerce about overall SEO for eCommerce & DTCs, Google Merchant Center / Shopping, the importance of CRO & Upsells for SEO (and other channels) and ways to prepare for the 2022 Holiday Shopping season.

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How Do You Sell More Products On Your Website?

If you want to sell more products on you ecommerce site, then check out the following Ignite Visibility video where John Lincoln goes over a variety of strategies that you can implement to help boost your sales. Here are ways you can sell more products on your ecommerce site Simplify your navigation Include in-depth products […]

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What Is Ruining Your eCommerce Sales?

Running a business can be difficult. It can feel like you’re climbing a never ending mountain. Sometimes you feel like you’re doing great, while other times you’re not doing so hot. This is why you want to prepare yourself for success by avoiding common mistakes that others make on their eCommerce journey. In the following […]

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8 Ways To Make Your eCommerce Website Mobile Friendly

These days, mobile is a huge market. A vast majority of people owns a mobile phone, so it would make since that since people use them to make purchases on, you would want to create a mobile-friendly version of your eCommerce website. So, how can you create a mobilefriendly website? Check out this episode of […]

What Are Some Ways To Drive More Traffic To Your eCommerce Store Without Being Ads

Because we’re seeing so many more people making purchases online, retailers have to think of new ways to get people to shop at their online stores. After all, traffic is an increasingly important part of any online web business. Without it, you won’t make any money, and without money, you won’t have a business. As […]

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How To Grow Your Ecommerce And What Mistakes You Should Avoid

If you’re running a brick and mortar store, you know you’ll need more resources than a fully online store to grow. Simply creating a website isn’t enough to fix marketing problems. You need to make sure you keep the conversation alive with your audience. This means constantly working on your site and keeping it fresh. […]

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Increase Sales Online With These Best Practices For Ecommerce Advertising

When running an online store, you have to deal with a number of different things. You have to deal with website management, order fulfillment, inventory management, content creation, vendor management, hiring, and so much more.  No matter how much experience you have in ecommerce, new customer acquisition will always be your main focus, and one […]