
Tag: Google Partners

Google Partners ‘Discover’ HOA series – YouTube Video Ads

In this episode of Google Partners, you will be educated on YouTube ads, campaign management and optimization.  The host of this episode is Jorit Loehr, a brand solution specialist.

Refresher Course: Google Analytics Certification

In this episode of Google Partners, you will prepare to take the Google Analytics certification exam by refreshing your knowledge during this Hangout with Googlers Adam Singer and Krista Seiden. This live HOA will cover major topics of the exam and direct you to other helpful resources that will enhance your knowledge of Analytics.  After this Hangout, […]

Google Partners – Agency Academy: The Agency Toolkit and the Revamped Consumer Barometer Tool

Do you know all the ways Google can help you? You probably do but we’ll start with a quick Agency Toolkit 101 to review. Ready to become a master of the toolkit?  In this episode of Google Partners, we will learn how to combine the tools to unlock the ultimate insights.

Google Partner – Converting Prospects Into Clients

Closing a sale can be difficult.  This is why people were invited to an on Air Hangout with Google Partner.  In this episode, G.A. Bartick, President of R3 Consulting and best-selling author shows you how to position yourself as an expert — and help you handle questions and objections like a superstar.

Google Partners – Refresher Course: Google Shopping

In this episode of Google Partners, we have gotten here in time for the launch of the Google Shopping exam on Google Partners, join our Google Shopping Partner Education Lead, Nicole Premo in a refresher course. The course will cover Merchant Center setup, creating product data and Shopping campaign management – everything you’ll need to prepare for […]

Google Partners Adds Certification For Shopping Campaigns

There is quite a number of people who have taken exams to become certified in Google Partners’s AdWords management.  Google Partners has just released a new exam for Google Shopping certification. Those taking this exam will be tested in their proficiency in creating Merchant Center accounts, organizing product data and managing and optimizing Shopping Campaigns.  Of course, […]

Google Partners – Mobile and Shopping Best Practices

In this episode of Google Partners Google Agency Development Manager, Meghan Li and Marketing Director, Marc Weisinger, from Elite SEM will discuss key things to look at in selecting a good agency partner and best practices in optimizing mobile and shopping campaigns. Elite SEM has been voted as the best US search agency at the US Search […]

Google Partners – Google My Business Best Practices and Q&A

In this episode of Google Partners, learn some best practices for the holiday season and beyond for getting your business information on Google using Google My Business. If you haven’t already, get started first at

Google Partners – Google’s Viewable CPM, Guaranteed Reach At Scale

In this Google Partners episode, learn how Google’s latest brand awareness offering ensures your customers see your display ads and remember your brand by offering guaranteed efficient reach across screens.

Google Partners – Advancements in AdWords Dynamic Remarketing (with the Google Product Manager)

In this episode of Google Partners, we will be joining Google Product Manager Jyoti Vaidee and Global Audience Product lead Barney Pierce as they walk through recent game-changing advances in AdWords Dynamic Remarketing. They will discuss the launch of dynamic remarketing for all verticals, and provide helpful hints and best practices on how to set up […]