
Tag: Matt Cutts

Head Of Google’s Web Spam Team Matt Cutts Extends Leave Into 2015

It feels weird talking about Matt Cutts at this point.  Back before he took his leave from the company, it felt that every other post written was about something Matt Cutts said or did.  But I guess it’s just something you get used to, right? As many of you know, Matt took his leave from […]

Head Of Google’s Web Spam Team Matt Cutts Is Going On Leave

The other day, it was reported by Search Engine Land that Google’s Matt Cutts is going to be taking a long break from his duties as Google’s Chief web spam fighter.  This was originally reported on his personal blog that he’s taking leave through October.  That is going to be one long vacation. Since taking […]

Google’s Matt Cutts: One Page With Two Links To Same Page; We Counted The First Link

In a new video presented by Matt Cutts,  the question that was presented was, “What impact would two links on a page pointing to the same target, each using different anchor text, have on the flow of PageRank?” The idea behind Matt’s answer goes basically as follows: 1. According to the original PageRank document, PageRank […]

Over Time Backlinks Will Become Less Important

We have yet another video from Google Webmaster, again featuring Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s search spam.  In the video, he answers the question, “Google changed the search engine market in the ’90s by evaluating a website’s backlinks instead of just the content, like others did. Updates like Panda and Penguin show a shift […]

Google’s Matt Cutts: How To Avoid Buying A Domain Name Previously Ruined By Spammers

In this video of Google Webmasters, Matt Cutts is responding to the following question: How can we check to see if a domain (bought from a registrar) was previously in trouble with Google? I recently bought, and unbeknownst to me the domain isn’t being indexed and I’ve had to do a reconsideration request. How could […]

Google’s Matt Cutts Lobbying To Reward Secure Sites With Better Rankings

According to a Wall Street Journal blog post, Matt Cutts, the head of search spam over at Google,  has been partaking in “private conversations” about reward sites with higher rankings in the search results that have better security. Originally, the news came out of SMX West, but ever since the OpenSSL exploit, Heartbleed, was officially […]

The End of Link Building as we Know It

How many things in SEO can you consider simple, as well as great for link building?  I’m sure many of you could list off a number of things, but right now, we are going to focus on guest blogging in terms of link building.  It seemed that guest blogging was one of the last bastions […]

Matt Cutts: Google Mobile Queries May Surpass PC Search This Year

Last week at SMX West, people got to hear from Google’s Matt Cutts.  In his talk, Matt claimed that he “wouldn’t be surprised” to find that mobile search finally exceeded desktop queries this year.  It seems that Mister Cutts isn’t the only one who feels this way, because a Google speaker said the same thing […]

Google’s Matt Cutts On Being A Spam Fighter: Looking For Patterns & Always New Spam Efforts

Can’t get enough Matt Cutts? You’re in luck today!  Matt has posted another Webmaster video, but this time, it’s a bit longer.  In this video, he answers what it is like to fight webspam at Google. The question asked was this: “What is a day in the life of a search spam team member like? […]

Older Site Aren’t Always Going To Keep Their Current Rankings Explains Matt Cutts

Something like this was bound to happen.  I knew it, and I think you knew it.  We just didn’t know we knew it.  Matt Cutts posted a video the other day explaining why there will be some older sites that won’t always be able to keep their rankings on the Google search engine forever. Having […]