
Category: Social Media

Study: Retailers Are Ignoring More Than 80% Of Customers’ Social Media Requests

When it comes to social media, not only are you using it as another way to get your brand, as well as brand news, out to more people online, but it’s also a way to engage your customers.  You get to customize your posts to what your customers want to see, so that hopefully it’ll […]

Do Google+ Hashtags Increase Visibility? An SEJ Exclusive Study

Remember when the # symbol was only found on the telephone number pad, or on a tic-tac-toe game?  These days, the pound sign are now known as hashtags on social media to create “groups” on Twitter in 2007.  The hashtag was originally used by  Chris Messina, and thanks to his originally proposed use of creating […]

What Are Things You Can Learn From Learning Facebook Ads?

In online marketing, being able to get the word out about your business or brand is mandatory if you want it to not only survive, but thrive.  One of the ways to market is through the use of ads.  Ads can be a very influential way to get people coming in to make a purchase, […]

What Are Some Ways to Increase Tweets for Your Blog Content?

So, you’ve finally gotten yourself setup with a business blog with plenty of content coming out of the pipe for your audience to see.  At this point, you want to make sure that content gets out to as many eyes as possible, and the best way to do that is through social media.  Twitter is […]

The Fundamentals of Ethical Reddit #Marketing

When you’re trying to get word out there about your business, there are many ways to do it.  You can use AdWords, Bing Ads, email marketing, and various social media platforms to bring in as large of a customer base as possible. In social media, placing your content on social platforms like Facebook and Twitter are […]

How Do You Identify Your Best Social Media Influencers?

Social media is a pretty big thing these days.  Everybody is using it in some way, shape, or form.  Typically, we see a majority of people using particular platforms of social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and so on. Social media, which is something that has become a big part of our lives, […]

Why Do People Share on Social Media?

When it comes to social media, what is it that makes people want to share things?  What drives them to do it?  Is it that it provides a space to share ideas, likes, dislikes, interests, finds and more?  Maybe.  It seems that sharing has evolved over time from simple status updates to what now includes each […]

Pinterest Snags Monetization Product Manager From Twitter

It seems that Pinterest is really ramping things up when it comes to monetization.  Back in January, Pinterest officially launched Promoted Pins.  In May, a flurry of new ad formats came about.  In July, the company introduced Buyable Pins.  From this, we can take in the fact that Pinterest is really pushing to try making more money with […]

The Cardinal Sins of Reddit Marketing

I’m sure we’ve all heard of Reddit before.  After all, it’s the “front page of the internet,” right?  With as simple as Reddit is, it’s gotten to be pretty popular, as it got 7 billion page views just last month.  That number is nothing to scoff at.  With that sort of popularity, it’s no surprise that businesses […]

Twitter Rolls Out A “News” Tab Experiment For App Users

It seems that Twitter won’t simply be the home of 140 character social media user messages and ads.  Soon, we’ll being seeing some new options from within our Twitter app.  According to BuzzFeed, a “News” tab is currently being tested to help Twitter’s push in the news distribution space. [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” […]