
Tag: Google

Is There A Good SIde To Not Provided?

It’s been a little while since Not Provided has been thrust upon us by Google.  With Not Provided looming over head, SEOs are now looking at stripped keyword-level data.  This certainly can’t be a good thing, can it?  Many looking at it from face value would certainly think so.  Why would we want to know […]

The New SEO

The future is always uncertain.  Nobody knows what will inevitably happen in a month, six months, or a year.  But we do our best to do what we can.  Services like Google is no exception.  They don’t know what’s going to happen to them in the future.  But, like many of us, we do what […]

A Look Inside A Google Data Center

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go into a Google Data Center?  Michelle Miller of CBS News was able to get inside a Data Center in North Carolina and got to poke around for a bit.  Find out what it actually looks like from the inside! This is actually quite interesting […]

Life With Google’s Other Flagship Phone, The Moto X

Did you know Google actually made their own phone?  You think they already did?  Well, not really, since all Google did was form a partnership with other phone manufacturers and then slap the Google name on to those phones.  That is, until now.  With Google’s purchase of Motorola lasts year, Google now has the ability […]

The Open Penguin Data Project

When Google changes things, it affects everybody.  There’s no getting around it.  If you are using Google simply to search for your favorite baseball team restaurant or store, or you’re using Google to get your business name out there, Google is both the Key Master and the Gate Keeper.  They control everything from the leisure […]

Expanding Your Site To More Languages

Google covers best practices for expanding your site to new languages or country-based language variations. We discuss use cases of international sites, implementation of rel=”alternate” hreflang, and best practices. Webmaster Help Center article on rel=”alternate” hreflang and hreflang=”x-default”: https://support.google.com/webmasters… Working with multilingual sites: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspo… Working with multiregional sites: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspo… New markup for multilingual content: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspo… Introducing “x-default hreflang” […]

9 Tips For Getting Free Clicks Through Google News

News is something that will always be important to us.  The importance of news is a very profound to each of  us, for it is what brings us information as to what is going on in your life, your area, and your world that is prevalent to you in some way, shape and form. Does […]

Using LinkedIn Ads To Take Your Brand To A New Level

All businesses want to be seen.  But how do they get seen?  They have to produce advertisements so that potential customers will come to them and buy what the company is selling.  In this age, any business that knows the potential of the internet, or more specifically, the search industry, knows that utilizing paid ads […]

How Google is Changing Long-Tail Search with Efforts Like Hummingbird – Whiteboard Friday

Now that Hummingbird has been around for a little while now, we know that there are some pretty big differences between this update when compared to Penguin and Panda.  Because of Hummingbird’s new algorithm, it changes how Google understands the search queries it’s given and what it finds on the web pages it crawls. In […]

Google Seeks Searcher Satisfaction: How Marketers Can Keep Up

Google changes.  They change a lot.  Google is constantly on that road of changing the face of search and how SEOs do their work on search.  With the most recent big update that Google has been implementing, named Hummingbird, things can really change for everybody.  We don’t mean those on the business end of SEO, […]