
Category: Amazon

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A Beginner’s Guide On How To Sell On Amazon

Competition in the eCommerce market can be a challenge, especially when you are trying to sell on the eCommerce giant, Amazon. Although you can absolutely try selling your products on other platforms as well, but you can really make an impact on your business on a platform as large as Amazon Despite the challenge of […]

Over 50% Of Enterprise Brands Are Seeing A 7X Return On Amazon Advertising

It’s been a year since the pandemic lockdowns have begun, which means we are forced to stay at home and change how we live our lives. Because of this sudden change, American consumers spent 44% more online in 2020 than in 2019. Over 1000 enterprise to Fortune 500 companies were surveyed by Feedvisor where they gave information […]

Google Ads is Unsubscribing from Gmail Campaigns

Google Ads is putting Gmail ads in its outbox and Amazon is reporting its biggest holiday shopping season ever. Plus, Facebook Ads’ product guy doesn’t want to hear about your problems.

Amazon Might Face Antitrust Action For Using Data To Undermine Third Party Sellers

Over the last two years, the European Commission (EU) has been investigating Amazon for using the company’s non-public data on its platform to undermine competition. Now that the investigation is wrapping up, the EC is calling this a violation of the EU competition law. According to the formal antitrust charging document that was recently made public, […]

Antitrust Investigation Recommends Major Changes Be Made to Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon

During an investigation that took well over a year, it was found by the House Antitrust Subcommittee that bit name online companies Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon hold quite a lot of power over each of their own particular markets. The Subcommittee has proposed that a significant change happen to how each company operates. What […]

The Value Of Latent Orders Successful Amazon Sponsored Products Management – Why It’s Important

Amazon sells a lot of products everyday on their website everyday. But one of the most adopted search ad formats is Amazon’s Sponsored Products, so it’s good to make sure that, as an advertiser, you understand the value that these types of ads have. The part of the product ordering process that goes from click-to-order […]

Why Digital Commerce Marketers Shouldn’t ‘Go Dark’ During COVID

“We were doing a lot of our own research and what we found is that brands that go dark during recession, depression or even crisis-type periods have a very difficult time climbing back up the mountain once things begin to normalize,” said Tony Verre, VP of e-commerce at Integer Group. In a digital commerce marketing […]

Big Amazon Affiliate Commission Rate Cuts Among Latest Program Changes

Beginning on April 21, Amazon affiliates are going to be seeing lower commissions from their affiliate links sales across several product categories. This includes publishers and influencers. CNBC first reported that the program will be cutting commission rates for home improvement products and furniture to 3% (it was originally 8%) and for grocery products to […]

Amazon Rolls Out Product Targeting For Sponsored Display

Amazon has released product targeting for Sponsored Display ads, allowing merchants to target similar or complementary products and categories via Seller Central Amazon says that, with these options, you could possibly running shoe ads (as an example) to appear on category pages for running shorts. Similarly, you can cross-promote your own products. “If you also sell socks, […]

Taking Amazon Advertising to the Next Level

Whatever stage you are at with Amazon, advertising plays a very significant role in generating brand awareness and initial/additional sales. In this Hubspot webinar, they will discuss: Optimizing your keywords Optimizing your ACOS Structuring your campaigns for success Organising your campaigns into portfolios Getting the best out of Sponsored Brand Ads (SBAs) and Sponsored Display […]