
Tag: PPC

Look To The Search Queries To Grow Your PPC Account

A common question that is asked by e-commerce clients is how can one garner additional, profitable traffic.  It usually doesn’t matter when this is asked, but in this case, this is during the time after you’re already several months into client and campaign management.  In other words, even though the client has already garnered a […]

Site Speed & PPC Performance: Why You Can’t Ignore A Slow Site Anymore

Most web users would love to see a day when the internet is truly fast.  People who use the internet have always complained about how slow a number of sites have been, and that they wish that it wouldn’t take as long to load as they currently do. As it turns out, people on the […]

Five Great Reasons To Do PPC In 2015

When you’re working in the SEO field, out of all the different things to do, there are those who feel PPC in overall online marketing strategy is easily discountable.  This is because with other forms of online marketing, if they succeed, a number of things will happen: Improved search engine optimization Content increase backlinks Usability […]

Why You Need To Make Dynamic Copy An Integral Part Of Your 2015 PPC Strategy

Now that we are fresh from Christmas day of 2014, we realize that advertisers and searches are having a bit of a burn out when it comes to ads.  Some would call it suffering from ad fatigue.  One of the reasons why everybody seems so burnt out all boils down to the state in which […]

Google Overhauls AdWords Editor: Version 11 Released Globally

Google has officially released a fully-redesigned version of AdWords Editor yesterday (December 10th) that now supports several of the bulk editing features that have been added recently added to the web interface.  The update also introduces new functionality to the desktop tool as well. The news was announced during a livestream, which was hosted by AdWords […]

The Top 13 PPC Marketing Articles Of 2014

Can you believe that it’s already Thanksgiving today?  Not only does that mean eating turkey, mashed potatoes and other delicious assortments of awesomeness is the norm today, but t also means that the year is has begun coming to a close.  Because the year is coming to a close, you know you’ll find the top […]

What’s A Good PPC Account Structure, Anyway?

So, you are either new to AdWords, or your an experienced user and you want more information on making what you have even better? Well, we got a nice little topic for you! Is there possibly a way to structure an AdWords account in the perfect way, or does it not even matter?  Let’s explore […]

Tips For A Successful PPC Account Takeover

I’m not really sure what’s worse, starting a fresh, brand new PPC account from scratch, or having to take an account that’s been built out by somebody else and having to fix it up from what was they already did.  I think both both sides could have their own sets of pros and cons. But […]

Beyond Search: Unifying PPC and SEO on the Display Network

What two things go great together?  To me, one of my favorite things to mash up would be chocolate and peanut butter.  Those two flavors go so well together, and it makes me wonder how I could live without that delicious concoction. Although the thoughts of chocolate and peanut butter are making me hungry, we […]

Why You Can’t Hide From Mobile PPC

If you are an online marketer and you think that mobile isn’t going to be that big of a thing, you’ve got another thing coming.  Mobile is going to be a dominate force in the future, and already it has a really good foot hold on the search market.  Hell, most of us say it’s […]