
Category: Search Marketing

What Google’s Experimental Content Podium Means For SEO

One of the tests that Google has been working on is a new content platform that they’re calling “Posts with Google.”  This platform could end up having a huge impact on brand searches, for both paid and organic. Google, a we know, has had their struggles with the creation of their own social network as we’ve […]

Spell-Check Your New Expanded text ads with this AdWords script

If you’re an advertiser who’s using something like AdWords, you know there’s going to be a lot of ad copy being written.  With the recent release of expanded text ads, we’re provided with 45 additional characters for AdWords ads, which can be used to give searchers more context to make decisions.  But with extra characters comes […]

Do You Want A Little-Too-Early AdWords Holiday Testing Guide?

As of this writing, it’s the later part of August, and it seems almost a little too early for articles and posts about holiday marketing.  But, in some ways, it’s never too early to be prepared for the biggest shopping time of the year.  This is the best time to test out some new strategies […]

Google Injects More Context Into Micro-Moments

Its been a year since Google first introduced the concept of micro-moments, which Google defines as times “when people reflexively turn to a device — increasingly a smartphone — to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something.” What are micro-moments? These are moments that constitute a consumer behavioral shift […]

The Search Marketer’s Guide to Turning Online Browsing Into Online Buying

Advertisers everywhere have seen the importance of shopping ads and have adopted them into their campaigns. But are you utilizing search intent data to get the most out of your marketing channels and broaden your reach? Check out this sponsored Search Engine Journal webinar to learn comprehensive best practices and easily implemented strategies that will set you […]

Google Rolls Out Expanded Text Ads, Device Bid Adjustments And Responsive Ads For Native In AdWords

Expanded Text Ads for AdWords has officially begun rolling out.  These extra long ads are going to double headlines and might even be seen showing across devices Tuesday morning.   This launch will come with the availability of device bidding and responsive display ads for native that had been announced at Google Performance Summit back in May. Sundeep […]

What Are Some Common Mistakes Made In Do-It-Yourself PPC

There are a number of folks who, with the best of intentions, will take on PPC with out the help of a professional SEO.  After all, it makes sense that these people would try out marketing all on their own, since Google makes it easy to do it. Granted, out of all of those do-it-yourselfers, […]

Google Opens Customer Match To Shopping Campaigns

Google has extended their Customer Match feature to Shopping Campaigns, which will let retail marketers target or exclude customers with product listing ads in web and image search results. Customer Match for Shopping expands on the offering that’s already available for search text ads, YouTube, and Gmail hat lets advertisers upload customer email lists into AdWords audiences and […]

Why Shouldn’t Retailers Overreact To The Voice Search Revolution

Based on recent accounts, it seems that the volume of long-tailed queries where natural language in search is heading nowhere but up and to the right.  This means that, in turn, a marketer’s digital strategy should be impacted as we strive to account for the inherent differences in typed search vs. voice search. When we look […]

4 Effective Local Positioning Strategies You’re Overlooking

In SEO, having the right content is important.  Not only is having the right content important, but knowing the right place and time to put that content can help elevate your website’s search positioning and increase your local business’s conversions. We know that getting your brand in front of your customers is a leading concept behind […]