
Category: Search Marketing

Do You Want An AdWords Script To Check For Empty Ad Groups? Here’s One!

The other month, an article was written by Daniel Gilbert that showed us how to check that you’re not still showing ads for last year’s deals.  But here’s a question that many people may have – What if you’re not showing any ads at all? In cases like this, it’s always a good idea to start with simple explanations […]

Now Emails Can Now Stay On Google Customer Match Lists Indefinitely

It looks as if Google has finally removed the expiration time for emails to remain on a Customer Match List in AdWords. AdWords customers have been alerted by Google when they log into their accounts that the previous 180-day limit have been removed, and that all of their customer match lists that were previously set […]

Get A Script For Getting Granular AdWords Account Anomaly Alerts

Any well-versed AdWords user could tell you, there are plenty of custom AdWords scripts that you can implement into your campaigns to make them work better, or to make things easier for you.  There are scripts that enable hourly dayparting, and even ones that update bids based on the weather. In this post, you’ll find a really cool Anomaly […]

Google Adds Merchant Center Feed Rules To Make Formatting Shopping Feeds Easier

Having deal with shopping feed aren’t very fun to deal with.  I think everybody can agree on that.  It’s such a pain to deal with, that there’s a cottage industry that has risen up to help retailers with the nuance of product feed formatting and management.  Google released Feed Rules on Tuesday to make it […]

How To Win On Amazon: Tips For Successful Keyword Strategies

We know Amazon is a leading, if not the leading digital shopping destinations.  Not only is Amazon extremely popular with online shoppers, but it also has become a major search engine for product-related searches.  There was an article written for Marketing Land entitled, “The Future of Search for CPG Companies,” where Benjamin Spiegel wrote about the shift in […]

Google Will Display TV Station Listings & Times For Searches On Your Favorite Shows

Google has announced that they are expanding there TV show search features to a place where  they show the air times and channel information for television shows.  By searching for a TV show you’re interested in, Google will will show the apps and websites that will stream the show like usual, but they may also start showing […]

How Do I Know If I’ve Screw Up My AdWords Account?

All of us are capable of it, and it sucks when we finally find out that we’ve done it.  In our haste to get all of our PPC stuff set up, we either didn’t check our own work, or we forgot to update things we thought we do a year later. Everybody’s done it.  You […]

International PPC: How Do We Deal With Currency Fluctuations

When you’re running a normal local PPC campaign, you never have to think about things like international exchange rates.  But when it you are running a business that deals in international PPC, an issue you’ve got to keep track of how to keep track of your spend and ROI abroad compared to at home.  Which do you […]

Is There A Horrifying Connection Between Malware, Google Search Console And AdWords?

When you get a security warning in Google Search Console (GSC), it can be a scary experience.  You can get a warning for a variety of reasons, including your site being flagged for being hacked, or for serving malware or unwanted software.  If something like this happens, security warnings in GSC can result in some […]

Is Copying Campaigns Between Search Engines A Missed Opportunity?

Every month, users are conducting more than 100 billion searches on search engines globally.  Even with all these searches being done on a daily basis, there’s always a portion of those searches that are brand new, and have never been made before. Even though we are shown these widely cited facts, very few marketers are aware […]