
Category: Social Media

24 Signs You Work In Social Media

Its time for something a little light-hearted!  Let’s find out 24 signs that you work in social media, according to HubSpot!

Here’s Why Your Social Media Audience Matters More Than You Think

If you’re a content marketer, you probably wouldn’t send zombies to spread your brand’s message! You work too hard at building your own reputation so that others will trust what you create and share on social media. But a new study reveals that the reputation of your audience among their followers may be even more […]

Salesforce’s Social Studio Can Now See

This week, Salesforce is giving eyesight to its Social Studio. For those who don’t know, Social Studio is a social management tool in Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud.  Before today, it didn’t have image recognition.  Brands either images or conducted text searches of meta data or elate posts. Social Studio now has Einstein Vision image recognition, and it’s powered by Einstein layer […]

Facebook Will Rank Links To Slow-Loading Pages Lower In People’s News Feeds

The latest Facebook to their news feed algorithm will penalize links that are slow-loading web pages.  With this new tweak, it could force more brands and publishers to adopt the social network’s proprietary Instant Articles format. The plan is to begin estimating how long it will take for a web page to load from its mobile […]

Here’s Why Social Media Is NOT a Search Ranking Factor

Many marketers assume that social media is a search ranking factor for Google, and some even believe they’ve seen proof. In this episode of the popular Here’s Why digital marketing video series, Stone Temple’s Mark and Eric explain why it is highly unlikely that social is a direct ranking signal, but also how social is […]

Hacking Social Media Algorithms Is a Dangerous Game: Here’s Why

It’s not hard to find tricks and hacks that can get you around the tightened reach caused by social media site algorithms. But is it a good idea? In this episode of the popular Here’s Why digital marketing video series, Stone Temple’s Mark Traphagen explains why hacking social media algorithms isn’t a good long term […]

Social Media Automation: Oxymoron Or Godsend?

Because there are thousands of updates that are constantly happening on social media, users have put a premium on original content that is timely and relevant to their interests.  Those brands who want to engage with consumers on social have the chance of getting lost in the noise, or even being eliminating by ever-changing user preferences and […]

Here’s Why There Is No Best Time to Post on Social Media

There’s a time and a season for everything, even for your social media posts. In this episode of the popular Here’s Why digital marketing video series, Mark and Eric explain why social media studies may not actually give you your best times to post on social media, and explain how you can find them for […]

In-Stream Video Ads Have Arrived On Twitter

As we know, more and more people are getting on mobile everyday, and in response, advertisers are looking to capitalize on this.  Twitter has rolled out in-stream video ads that will help advertisers reach their audience in an engaged setting These in-stream ads will be able to run across video clips and live streams from Twitter’s […]

Pinterest Gets A New Venue For Its Search Ads With Samsung Galaxy S8 Integration Of Lens

Samsung wants to make their new Galaxy S8/S8 Plus as uniquely intelligent as possible, so what is it that they are doing to make this happen?  Samsung has integrated Pinterest’s visual search technology into its device. This tech is based off the recently introduced Pinterest Lens capability and allows users to conduct image searches of related Pinterest-based image content.  Users […]