
Category: Display Advertising

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Google Ads Tutorials: Building Successful Display Campaigns

Google Display ads help you reach customers at all points of their buying cycle – from discovery to purchase. In this video, learn how to set up your Display campaigns for success.

An SEJ Guide To Display Ads For Digital Marketers

Display ads are a type of ad format that allows for catchy messaging, graphics, video allowing your company branding to really stand out. There are five advantages to implementing display advertising: They are eye-catching and visually appealing They familiarize your intended audience with your brand They allow for remarketing opportunities They give the ability to […]

Attribution Models Now Support YouTube And Google Display Ads

All Google Ads non-last click models, which includes data-driven attribution, has been upgraded to support both Display ads and YouTube. The data-driven attribution model now also measures engaged views from YouTube. The advantage these upgrades bring to the table is the data-driven attribution model will learn more from how users interact with ads and convert. […]

What Are Ways To Add Connected TV To Your Holiday A Strategy

According to SteelHouse, your holiday ad strategy needs a Connected TV strategy. Year over Year, millions of people are spending time with Connected TV devices, causing the total viewing time to jump 81%. In a Marketing Land post, SteelHouse covers some of the best ways to make the most of your Connected TV opportunity in […]

Can The Demise of Cookies Disrupt Digital Marketing?

For Bill Tucker, Group EVP leading the Data, Technology, and Measurement Practices at the ANA , and executive director of the Partnership for Responsible Addressable Media, there is going to be a huge disruption in how business can be done in the addressable media when cookies are finally laid to rest. For Bill, there has to […]

Stress Isn’t An Excuse To Spam For Businesses

With COVID-19 still a pretty significant situation in our lives, many businesses are doing their best trying to keep their revenue up any way they can. There are those who are taking the channels they have and really ramping them up, while others are doing what ever they can in a desperate attempt in order […]

Google’s 3D Swirl Ad Format Now Available In DV360

The mobile interactive display ad format, called Swirl, began testing last year, and is now available globally to Display & Video 360 customers. When viewing a Swirl ad, users are able to rotate, zoom and expand 3D elements. In the annoucement, Google said that the brand that have been testing Swirl ads includes Purina Nissan Adidas […]

Vox Media’s New Ad Network Connects Advertisers To Local Media Audiences

Vox Media has launched Concert Local, an advertising solution that will help brands scale regional messaging by connecting them with publishers and smaller media brands at a local level. Concert Local is an extension of Concert, which is the company’s programmatic ad platform that came out in 2016. Concert advertisers can buy ads across Vox-owned […]

Chrome’s Coming Changes To Video Ad Blocking Could Impact YouTube

Soon, Google Chrome’s ad blocking efforts will extend to “intrusive” video ads in short-form videos. Chrome will be adopting the latest standards for video ads from the Coalition for Better Ads. This news was announced on February 5. Three different ad experiences for short-form video content was identified by the Coalition for Better Ads are included in […]

YouTube Kicked In $15 Billion As Google Ad Revenues Topped $134 Billion In 2019

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, released YouTube ad revenues for the first time in Q4 and 2019 full year earnings. Alphabet’s total 2019 revenues reached almost $162 billion. Breaking it down, Google advertising revenue accounted for $134.8 billion, with YouTube adding $15 billion to the pot for the year. Q4 revenues were a bit lower than […]