
Category: Mobile

Google’s Mobile-First Indexing Is Here

Google is now using a mobile-first index that is based on how devices crawl the web.  This is going to be a big change from the old desktop-centric approach, giving SEOs major ramifications, according to Alexis Sanders, technical SEO account manager at Merkle.  She spoke about mobile-first SEO success at the SMX East conference in New […]

Facebook Attribution Now Available To All Advertisers

In March 2017, Facebook began bet testing an attribution solution for marketers to analyze the impact of their campaigns both on and off Facebook.  On October 19, company released Facebook Attribution out of beta to all advertisers. It also introduced a new “data-driven attribution model.” The Facebook Pixel powers the free tool and can report on campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, […]

Facebook Introduces Retention Optimization Option For App Advertisers

Facebook has introduced a new retention optimization feature and four new app retention metrics for app advertisers on Thursday. The reason why app advertisers should care about this latest feature is because it was designed to boost retention among new users.  When used with app install ads, the retention optimization option allows advertisers to optimize […]

Google Appeals Record $5 Billion EU Antitrust Android Fine

On October 9, Google filed an appeal of the European Commission’s (EC’s) record €4.3 billion (roughly $5 billion) antitrust fine, which was imposed in July because of Google Play app pre-install requirements. In the eyes of the EC, the practice of requiring handset makers to pre-install specific Google-made apps as was counted as “an abuse of market position.”  […]

Mobile-First Indexing: Will It Change Your Rankings On Desktop?

In the SEO world, mobile-first indexing has been the talk of 2018.  With this shift in how Google search works, it has left many SEOs with questions about what will happen now.  There are a number of posts about mobile-first and predictions about how it’ll alter how sites appear in the search results. However, it’s […]

The Rise of Smart Devices

Chris S.Penn of BrainTrust Insights and Eric Enge in conversation on Machine Learning and AI. This is part of a seven video series explaining the impact of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the world of search. For a transcript and more videos from this series, go to https://stonet.co/machinelearning-yt

Google floods Webmasters With ‘Mobile-First Indexing Enabled’ Notifications

Since September 14, Google has been sending out notices around mobile-first indexing being enabled for websites to a large number of webmasters.  It appears that this batch of notices is by far the single largest batch of notices seen since they officially began sending these types of batch notifications around the mobile-first indexing change. The following is a screen shot that […]

Internal Linking & Mobile First: Large Site Crawl Paths in 2018 & Beyond

With all this talk of mobile first indexing, there isn’t much we haven’t heard about it.  But for some, there is a topic that isn’t talked about as much, and that’s the impact on internal linking and previous internal linking best practices. There have been some popular methods in the past for providing paths for […]

Google Expands Assistant Device Network, Adds Polyglot Support

When to comes to advantages, Google Assistant devices has one over Echo in international markets.  The company, who wants to capitalize on this fact, is expanding multilingual support and has announced a raft of new partners. One of the many things that was announced, one of the things users can do s switch between languages […]

Survey: 82 Percent Of Smartphone Shoppers Conduct ‘Near Me’ Searches

So many people are using smartphones these days.  These devices have quickly become the primary digital tool for most consumers under 50.  A sizable majority of smartphone owners conduct local searches with varying amounts of degrees of frequency. There are several surveys and behavioral studies that established this fact over the last several years.  According […]