
Tag: Google

Google Warns SEOs To Expect Increases In Issues In Search Console Enhancement Reports

A warning has been posted by Google in the Google Search Console data anomalies page that, starting on April 3, 2019, you can expect those reports to see an increase in the number of issues and affected items and/or pages. The reason behind this is that Google has began collecting data from more pages than […]

Google Ads API v1_1 Out: Update Client Libraries For New Features

Last week, Google had released v1_1 of the Google Ads API. In order to use the newest API feaures, you have to update your client libraries. Here are some of the following key updates in v1_1. Asset Based Display Ads – If you run asset-based ads, like responsive display ads, you’ll be able to use […]

Local-Services Ads Appearing In Google Home Voice Results

There is the question of how Google will make ad revenue from its smart speaker and smart display devices doesn’t really have an answer (this goes for Amazon’s devices as well). But now, it looks like there is an answer. Reuters discovered that Google is presenting Local-Services ads in voice search results for local queries. In the Reuters […]

Where’s Santa Claus? Check Out The 2015 Guide To NORAD Tracks Santa & The Google Santa Tracker

Today being Christmas Eve, some of the most pressing questions out there include, “Where is Santa?” and “When will he arrive?”  These are the questions that are running through the minds of millions of kids across the world on this day, and to help the find out the answers to these questions, There are two services […]

Google Adds Dynamic Callout Extensions In AdWords

Just over a year ago, Google launched callout extensions that gives highlight site benefits in AdWords text ads.  Now, a dynamic version of the callout extensions has begun rolling out. What does dynamic callout extensions do?  They’ll automatically pull information about the business and products from your website and right into search text ads.  If you already […]

France Trying To Force Disclosure Of Google Algorithm, Wants To Regulate the SERP

In regards the the European Commission’s Statement of Objections (antitrust charges) issue, it seems that France has a case of not wanting to wait for it to resolve.  France is taking action to regulate Google’s search results, as well as compel revelation of its search algorithm. According to TechCrunch, a bill is being reported to be making it’s way […]

Troubleshooting AdWords Conversion Tracking For Non-Techies

So, you’re in the online marketing business, and you’re going to be launching a PPC campaign.  As far as you can tell, everything is good to go, everything on your end is done and running smoothly.  You’ve finally published your campaigns and now you are just waiting to see what happens. But what happens?  Nothing. […]

YouTube Shares Performance Stats On Google Preferred’s First Year

Google has shared results from the first year of their upfront program for YouTube advertisers that they are calling Google Preferred.  This program features campaigns on the channels of top-performing content producers.  Google said that the program’s debut has sold out. When 30 traditional TV advertisers tried out the program, it was reported that they not only […]

Everything You Need To Know About The Google-Twitter Partnership

Back in February, there was news that Google and Twitter had reached an agreement that will provide Google full access to Twitter’s stream. As stated in the previous post written by Search Engine Land, the Twitter stream is commonly called the “firehose”, and was announced during Twitter’s earnings call by the CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo. […]

Yahoo Loses Market Share As Some Firefox Users Return To Google

comScore has released the February US search market share numbers and it looks like some of the gains that Yahoo made since November since their default search deal with Firefox has been lost.  This is because some of the users that went over to Firefox has since decided to return to Google.  In all honestly, I’m not shocked by […]