
Category: Branding

Brand Loyalty Remains High At 89%, Driven By Product And Price Rather Than Service

Last year, it was found by Yotpo that 90% of consumers surveyed considered themselves to be loyal to particular brands, despite the conventional thinking that loyalty was dead.According to the current survey of 2,100 US adults, 98.1% of consumers said they were brand loyal, with 25% saying they were more loyal than last year. Respondents […]

Social Media Can Build Your Brand SEO: Here’s Why

Can the way people talk about your brand online actually affect the things Google will rank you for? In this episode of the popular Here’s Why digital marketing video series, Mark Traphagen explains how Google might use mentions of your brand in social media to discover more of what your brand is about. 

#SEOisAEO: How to Leverage Brand in Multi-Channel, Multi-Device Acquisition

Tracking Multi channel, multi device acquisition is a headache. More so in a world of Answer Engines and voice search. We’ll have a good look at those problems, and examine possible solutions. Then we’ll look how to most effectively leverage Brand across those channels and devices. This makes my head spin. So I can’t wait […]

Influence, Relationships and Your Personal Brand

How do you invite influencers into your content? How are these relationships built? How can you become more influential yourself? Check out this SEMrush conversation with Mark Schaefer, an expert in influence and personal branding. Mark will share his insights and experience on content, influencer and reputation. Let’s discover how to combine the message and […]

Everything Old Is New Again: How Some Traditional Brands Have Used Martech To Support Growth

Sadly, we are hearing of more and more well-known traditional brands shutting their doors.  There are plenty of thoughts and reasons as to why this is happening, but in several cases, it’s merely that the brand isn’t staying connected to its target. Under the constant threat of going under themselves, current brands have to re-evaluate their missions and finding […]

The 7 Biggest Trends Driving Customer Loyalty

According to 3Cinteractive, 64 percent of brands are reporting an increase in loyalty program membership over the last year.  Lately, programs have be become more sophisticated, moving beyond the traditional spend-and-get model.  They’ve evolved into omnichannel and multichannel programs that recognize customers for each interaction they have with a brand.  Smart marketers are capturing and leveraging loyalty data to understand their customers […]

How Authentication Can Be A Compelling Branding Asset

The manufacturers of luxury goods put a lot of stock and pride into the superior craftsmanship and unique experiences that they offer.  What they bring to the market must have the highest quality, as well as be incomparable to a forgery or knockoff.  If they didn’t go above and beyond, they’d lose their value and […]

Google Partners ‘Discover’ – Mobile Branding & Bumper ads (31.08.2017)

Check out this streamed video by Google Partners, which focuses on mobile branding and bumper ads.  This video was streamed on August 31.

ShareIQ Can Now Generate Ad-Targeting Segments Of Users Who Have Interacted With Brand Images

The web has become the Visual Web for a number of brands, where images are the big thing, and is the key currency of communication. In order to help brands take advantage of this visual currency, ShareIQ, a visual content performance platform, is release a new data product this week, which they are calling Custom Audiences, […]

10 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Domain

When it comes to search, both your domain name and URL play quite a big role.  It’s not only the destination where your visitors will find your content, but the domain you use can and will impact your search visibility.  While there are more domain options than there ever was before, there are still best […]