
Category: Display Advertising

Quora Launches Retargeting For Advertisers

There is a brand new ads platform that was launched by Quora that now supports retargeting ads on the question-and-answer network. The news that Quora advertisers were now able to create audience segments of past site visitors for ad targeting on Quora was announced on Thursday.  The targeting is powered by Quora conversion pixel.   In order to take […]

5 Chatbots To Help You Analyze Ad Campaigns Right In Slack, Facebook Messenger & Google Sheets

There has been quite a lot of talk in regards to chatbots, digital assistants that can live in places that we spend our time, such as Facebook Messenger and Slack. There were some brands that jumped in early, such as with the ability to order  flowers in Facebook Messenger or tacos in Slack.  There are even chat bots for […]

Native Ad Buying Surges 74%, Programmatic Slips 12%

There is a new report from MediaRadar, programmatic advertising in the US dropped substantially in the first quarter of 2017 from a year ago.  At the same time, native ad placements have surged during the same time period.  According to the company, even though there isn’t a one-to-one correlation, there is still a relationship. In the report, which […]

Google Goes After Mobile Native Advertising With New AdSense Formats

Google is fixing the one hole that has remained as a key weakness in mobile advertising: native ads.  The company announced on Wednesday the launch of native ads for all AdSense publishers. Native ad format in AdSense includes in-feed, in-article and matched content.  All can be customized to match the look and feel of the publisher’s mobile […]

Twitter Rolls Out New Apps; iOS Versions Support Apple’s Ad Blockers

Twitter decided to clean up their look, allowing people to clear out ads on web pages opened within its iOS apps. On June 15th, Twitter started to roll out a redesign of its mobile apps, sites and TweetDeck to make the social network look less cluttered. A lot of the changes are cosmetic, but probably […]

WWDC: Safari will block third-party ad trackers from following users around the web

Out of the announcements that came out of Apple’s WWDC developer conference is news that Safari is going to prevent cross-site tracking. Craig Fedrighi, Apple’s Senior VP, said “intelligent tracking prevention” uses machine learning to keep trackers, specifically ad trackers and third-party data trackers, from following users as they go from site to site. This […]

Google Launches Ads Measurement System For Cross-Device Campaigns On YouTube, DoubleClick, GDN

The ads measurement system that Google originally created for analyzing YouTube campaigns now includes data from the Google Display Network and DoubleClick. The expansion was announced by Google, and the beta release of As Data Hub last week. the expanded idea of the cloud-based system further underscores the industry’s shift from relying on cookies to user and device IDs […]

Google Pushes AMP Ads Adoption, Announces Celtra & Moat Integrations

In July of 2016, Google introduced broad support for AMP-enabled ads and landing pages in DoubleClick.  And now, Google wants to make AMP the standard for ads across the mobile web. “Things written in AMP, even if they are ads, cannot have poor performance,” said  AMP Ads Initiative tech lead Michael Kleber at Google I/O Thursday. “Everything […]

Google Introduces Fully-Automated ‘Smart’ Display Campaigns

When it comes to Automation, it isn’t exactly new to display campaigns on the Google Display Network.  But, with the new Smart display campaigns, it isn’t just the creative that is automated.  Bidding, targeting and the ads all run on autopilot powered by machine learning. With this system, advertiser-provided headlines, descriptions, logos and images will be […]

How Much Do You Know About The History Of Online Video — And What It Means For The Future?

Online video marketing has really matured since it first appeared on YouTube.  But now, marketers can deliver personalized, real-time videos that contain messages unique and relevant to each viewer, rather than the original one-to-many approach. Jim Dicso challenges you take a test of your knowledge on what you might already know, and what you might find surprising, […]