

The End of Link Building as we Know It

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Blogging-guest-bloggers-welcomeHow many things in SEO can you consider simple, as well as great for link building?  I’m sure many of you could list off a number of things, but right now, we are going to focus on guest blogging in terms of link building.  It seemed that guest blogging was one of the last bastions of hope when it came to building links, and now, with Matt Cutts having decreed guest blogging as a dead thing, it seems that we don’t have much of anything left for white hat link building.

So what now?  Is guest blogging a thing of the past?  Marcela De Vivo has written an article on YouMoz that talks about the unfortunate change of guest blogging as a great way to gain links, to being considered an unnatural way to get them.

Marcela’s blog post talks about several things under this topic, such as guest posts now being thrown in with the rest of the unnatural link offenders, the dangers in doing what everybody else is doing, high quality guest posting as a part of a content marketing strategy and more.

Find out more in Marcela’s post, entitled The End of Link Building as we Know It, by following the link below.

YouMoz: The End of Link Building as we Know It

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