

Google Maps Testing QR Codes for Easier Business Access on Mobile


Have you ever found a great business on Google Maps on your computer but struggled to find it again on your phone? Google might have a solution for you!

According to a post by Joy Hawkins on [X], Google is testing QR codes on Business Profile listings within Google Maps. These QR codes would appear next to the usual action buttons like directions, save, and share.

Here’s the screen shot (@jlmosebach):

So, how would this work? Imagine you’re browsing Google Maps on your desktop and discover a fantastic restaurant. You can scan the QR code with your phone’s camera, and voila! You’ll be instantly directed to the same business listing on your phone’s Google Maps app. No more searching or typing required!

While this feature is still under testing, it indicates Google’s ongoing efforts to create a seamless user experience across devices. QR codes, despite their sometimes clunky nature, offer a quick and convenient way to transfer information between screens.

It’s important to note that QR codes for local businesses aren’t entirely new. Google has experimented with them for Local Service Ads (LSAs) before. This latest test suggests Google might be exploring a wider application of QR codes within the Google Maps platform.

Whether QR codes become a permanent fixture in Google Maps remains to be seen. However, this test highlights Google’s commitment to making it easier for users to find and access the businesses they need, regardless of the device they’re using.

We have seen Google place QR codes for LSAs before.

Forum discussion at X.

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