

Bing Celebrates Five Years Of Search

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BingThis week is a big week for Bing.  Big bad Bing, Microsoft’s little search engine that could has turned five.  In those five years, when it comes to market share, Bing has become quite a competitor for Google.  The downside is that it lacks mindshare.  Google has Bing beaten by a long shot.

Either way, Bing has decided to celebrate it’s birthday by posting a five year retrospective, as well as offering Bing Reward credit perks for those who search on the site from now until June 9th.  Bing, starting all the way back in 2009, outlines its initial goals of leveraging semantic search.

In a Search Engine Land post, by Amy Gesenhues, there is some detail on what Bing looked like back in 2009, and describes some of the steps Bing took over the years to become what it is.  Amy even goes into detail about the extra search reward credits that you can earn.

Original Source by Amy Gesenhues

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