

How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search in 2023


Voice search is rapidly changing the way people find information online. With the rise of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant, more and more searches are happening via voice commands rather than text. This means that traditional SEO practices need to evolve in order to optimize for voice search.

It’s important for businesses to adapt their websites and content for voice search for several reasons. First, voice search queries are structured differently than text queries, using more natural language and conversational wording. If your website is not optimized for these natural language search queries, you may get buried under other results.

Additionally, voice search often happens on the go using mobile devices. This means your website needs to be optimized for mobile platforms in order to show up prominently in voice search results.

Finally, voice search offers an opportunity to reach new audiences who prefer searching by voice over typing keywords. By optimizing for voice, you can increase visibility and traffic from voice searches.

Overall, optimizing for voice search provides many benefits:

  • Increased visibility in voice search results
  • Higher mobile ranking with a mobile-friendly site
  • Ability to reach new voice-first audiences
  • Future-proofing your SEO strategy for the growth of voice

By taking steps to optimize your site for voice search now, you can get ahead of the curve when it comes to surfacing your content in voice results. This guide will outline key strategies to implement in order to maximize your visibility and engagement in voice search.

Use Natural Language and Conversational Keywords

Natural language keywords, also known as conversational keywords, play a crucial role in optimizing your website for voice search. These keywords closely mimic the way people naturally speak and ask questions, making them a valuable component of voice search SEO. Here’s an in-depth look at what natural language keywords are and how to identify them:

Natural Language Keywords Defined

Natural language keywords are phrases and terms that mirror the language and conversational patterns of everyday speech. They are typically longer, more descriptive, and closely resemble how individuals inquire about or seek information using voice-activated search tools like Siri, Google Assistant, or Amazon Alexa. For instance, contrast these natural language keywords with their traditional counterparts:

  • Traditional: “plumber” Natural Language: “find a plumber near me”
  • Traditional: “coffee shop hours” Natural Language: “what time does the coffee shop close near me?”

Identifying Natural Language Keywords:

Identifying Natural Language Keywords is a critical step in optimizing your website for voice search. It involves understanding how people naturally communicate and inquire, allowing you to align your content with the conversational patterns typical of voice-activated search queries. Here are several effective methods to identify natural language keywords:

Firstly, consider adopting a user-centric perspective by empathizing with your target audience. Think about How People Talk in everyday conversations. Delve into the phrases and words they commonly use when discussing your products, services, or industry. Pay close attention to the types of questions they pose in a casual, conversational context. This intuitive approach can yield valuable insights into potential natural language keywords tailored to your specific audience.

Secondly, leverage the power of modern technology. Utilize Keyword Research Tools designed to accommodate voice search optimization. Many SEO and keyword research tools now provide features that enable you to Filter Results for conversational or long-tail keywords. These tools serve as invaluable aids in identifying keywords and phrases that directly align with the queries made through voice-activated search assistants. Look for tools that explicitly support voice search optimization, as they streamline the research process.

Lastly, engage in a strategic analysis of your competitors’ content. Focus particularly on their Voice Search-Optimized Material to uncover the keywords and phrases they employ to target voice search queries effectively. By Analyzing Competitor Content, you can gain valuable insights into the natural language keywords that are specifically relevant to your industry or niche. This competitive analysis not only informs your keyword selection but also positions your content to compete effectively in the voice search landscape.

Tips for Using Natural Language Keywords

When incorporating natural language keywords into your content, it’s important to follow these best practices:

a. Integration Throughout Content: Use natural language keywords consistently throughout your content, including in titles, headings, body text, and meta descriptions. This ensures that your content is well-optimized for voice search.

b. Avoid Keyword Stuffing: While it’s essential to include natural language keywords, avoid overloading your content with them. Keyword stuffing can make your content sound unnatural and spammy. Strive for a balanced and organic incorporation of these keywords.

c. Variety in Usage: Diversify your keyword usage. Instead of repeating the same keyword excessively, incorporate synonyms and related phrases. This showcases your content’s relevance to a broader range of voice search queries.

d. Consider Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail natural language keywords are often more specific, less competitive, and align well with voice search queries. They cater to niche user needs and are more likely to match the queries users pose to voice-activated assistants.

Incorporating natural language keywords effectively into your content can enhance your website’s visibility in voice search results, making it more accessible to a wider audience. By reflecting how people converse and inquire, you can improve your chances of matching the queries made via voice search and connect with potential customers seeking relevant information.

Optimize For Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are concise, direct answers that appear at the top of search engine results pages in response to specific queries. These snippets aim to provide users with immediate and relevant information without requiring them to click on a search result. Optimizing for featured snippets is crucial for voice search because many voice search responses are derived from these featured snippets.

There are three common types of featured snippets:

  1. Paragraph Snippets: These provide a brief explanation or definition of a topic.
  2. List Snippets: These present information in a list format, such as steps or items.
  3. Table Snippets: These display data in a table format, which is especially useful for comparisons and statistics.

How to optimize for featured snippets

Optimizing your content for featured snippets is a pivotal strategy to boost your website’s visibility in voice search and traditional search engine results. Here’s an in-depth look at how to optimize for featured snippets with an expanded explanation of each strategy:

Identify Commonly Asked Questions: The first step in optimizing for featured snippets is to identify the frequently asked questions that are relevant to your industry, products, or services. This can be achieved through thorough research and compilation of user queries. Tools like AnswerThePublic, People Also Ask in Google, and voice search data analysis can be valuable resources in this process. Understanding the questions your audience is asking provides a foundation for creating content that could become featured in snippets.

Create High-Quality Content: Crafting high-quality content is a cornerstone of snippet optimization. Your content should be comprehensive, well-structured, and capable of providing clear and concise answers to the identified questions. It’s imperative that your content is not only informative but also easy to read, ensuring that users can quickly extract the information they seek.

Use Structured Data Markup: Implementing structured data, commonly known as schema markup, is a powerful technique to enhance the chances of your content being featured in snippets. Schema markup provides additional context to search engines, aiding in the understanding of your content. When search engines comprehend your content better, they are more likely to feature it as a snippet in search results.

Utilize Subheadings and Lists: To make your content more snippet-friendly, organize it using subheadings and lists. Subheadings provide a clear structure, enabling search engines to easily identify and extract relevant information. Lists, whether in bullet points or numbered format, assist in presenting data in a manner that aligns with snippet formats. This makes it easier for your content to be selected as a featured snippet.

Optimize for On-Page SEO: On-page SEO optimization plays a crucial role in snippet optimization. Ensure that your content is well-optimized for on-page SEO factors, including the use of appropriate meta tags, alt attributes for images, and the strategic utilization of keywords. This optimization ensures that search engines recognize the relevance of your content to user queries.

Monitor and Update Content: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and user queries change over time. To maintain your position in featured snippets, it’s essential to periodically review and update your content. Stay vigilant for emerging questions and trends, and adapt your content accordingly to ensure its ongoing relevance.

Tips for writing content that is likely to be featured in snippets

Start with a Concise Answer: Open your content with a clear and succinct response to the user’s query. This is often referred to as the “snippet bait.” By providing the answer right at the beginning, you’re more likely to catch the attention of search engines, which favor content that offers immediate value. Users can quickly grasp the information they need, and this increases the chances of your content being featured.

Use Question-Based Subheadings: Organize your content with subheadings that reflect common questions users typically ask. These subheadings not only make your content more reader-friendly but also signal to search engines the presence of relevant answers within your content. When your subheadings closely mirror the questions people pose, you’re more likely to be selected for snippet inclusion.

Maintain a Conversational Tone: Voice search queries often mimic the way people naturally converse. To align with this trend, write your content in a friendly, conversational tone. Avoid overly technical or formal language. By using language that resembles real-life conversations, you increase the chances of your content matching the conversational queries made through voice search.

Aim for High-Quality Visuals: Visual elements such as images, charts, and tables can enhance the likelihood of your content being featured in snippet formats, especially for visual or table-based snippets. However, it’s essential that these visuals are not just eye-catching but also informative. Ensure they add value to your content and complement the textual information. Well-designed and relevant visuals can increase the overall appeal and informativeness of your content.

Optimizing for featured snippets is a strategic approach to boost your website’s visibility in voice search and traditional search results. By providing clear, concise, and user-friendly answers to common questions, you enhance your content’s eligibility to be featured as a snippet. This not only drives more organic traffic to your site but also positions you as a reliable source of information, making it more likely for users to turn to your website for quick and valuable answers to their queries.

Improve Site Speed

Site speed is important for voice search because voice assistants are designed to provide users with information quickly and efficiently. Users expect voice search results to be delivered within seconds, and if a website takes too long to load, they are likely to move on to the next result.

In addition, voice search results are often displayed in a different way than traditional web search results. For example, Google Assistant often displays a single, featured snippet as the answer to a voice search query. This means that the website that is featured in the snippet needs to load quickly so that users can get the information they need right away.

How to improve site speed

Improving your website’s speed is a fundamental aspect of enhancing user experience and optimizing for both voice and traditional search results. There are several strategies you can employ to achieve this goal:

Optimize Your Images: Large, uncompressed images can significantly slow down your website’s load time. To address this, you can use image optimization tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim. These tools allow you to compress images without compromising their quality. By reducing the file size of your images, you ensure that they load quickly, providing a smoother experience for users.

Use a Caching Plugin: Caching is an effective technique that involves storing static copies of your website’s pages. When users revisit your site, these cached versions can be loaded more quickly than generating the page from scratch. Caching plugins, such as WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache, can automate this process, resulting in faster load times and improved website performance.

Minify Your Code: Minification involves the removal of unnecessary whitespace and comments from your website’s code, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These extraneous elements can increase the file size of your pages, slowing down loading times. By minifying your code, you streamline it for faster rendering in a user’s browser, leading to quicker page load times.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): A Content Delivery Network is a network of servers distributed across various geographic locations. It works by delivering website content to users from the nearest server, reducing the distance data has to travel. This not only enhances website speed but also ensures a consistent user experience worldwide. CDNs like Cloudflare, Akamai, or Amazon CloudFront are widely used to optimize site speed and provide faster access to your content.

Enhance Accessibility

Accessibility is another important aspect for voice search since there are people with disabilities who may not be able to access the internet in the same way we do. For example, people who are blind or have low vision may use screen readers to access the web, and people with mobility impairments may use voice commands to control their devices.

If your website is not accessible, these users will not be able to use voice search to find your content. This can put you at a competitive disadvantage and deny you access to a large and growing audience of potential customers.

How to make your website more accessible

Ensuring your website is accessible is not only a moral imperative but also a legal requirement in many regions. Making your website more accessible means that it can be used by a wider range of individuals, including those with disabilities. Here are several key strategies to enhance website accessibility:

Use Proper Headings and Semantic Markup: Implementing correct heading tags (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>) and semantic markup in your HTML is vital for structuring content. Screen readers rely on these elements to understand the hierarchy and organization of your website. Proper headings enhance the user experience for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

Provide Alt Text for All Images: Alt text, or alternative text, serves as a textual description of images. Screen readers read aloud alt text, enabling users with visual impairments to comprehend the content and purpose of images on your website. Alt text should be concise and descriptive to convey the image’s meaning effectively.

Use Transcripts for All Videos: To ensure that individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can access the content of your videos, it’s essential to provide accurate and complete transcripts. Transcripts not only benefit those with hearing disabilities but also enhance search engine optimization, as search engines can index the content within video transcripts.

Make Your Website Keyboard-Navigable: Keyboard navigation is a fundamental component of web accessibility. Users should be able to navigate your website using only their keyboard, without relying on a mouse. This benefits people with motor impairments who may have difficulty using a traditional mouse. Ensuring that all interactive elements, links, and forms are keyboard-accessible is critical.

Use High-Contrast Colors and Large Fonts: High-contrast color schemes and legible font sizes enhance the readability of your website for individuals with low vision or visual impairments. Consider providing options for users to adjust font size and contrast settings to accommodate their preferences and needs.

If you can implement as many of these accessibility measures as possible, you create a more inclusive online environment, making your website available to a broader audience. Not only does this demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusivity, but it also ensures compliance with accessibility standards and regulations, ultimately improving the overall user experience for everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Leverage Local SEO

I’m sure that by now, we’ve heard about the importance of local SEO’s significance in the context of voice search. With local SEO, it can greatly impact the visibility and success of businesses. Voice search has become an integral part of people’s daily lives, and its influence on consumer behavior is particularly pronounced in local contexts.

How to optimize for local SEO

Optimizing your business for local SEO is a fundamental step to enhance your online visibility and reach potential customers in your local area. Here are essential strategies to boost your local SEO presence:

Claim your Google My Business listing: You’ll want to begin by claiming your Google My Business listing, a free service that lets users establish and maintain their business presence on Google Search and Maps. This will ensures that your business is accurately represented in search results.

Ensure completeness and accuracy: A thorough and accurate listing is important to have, so you’ll need to be sure to provide all relevant details, including your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and operating hours. This information must be consistent across all online platforms to establish trust and enhance search engine rankings.

Cultivate customer reviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing. Positive reviews not only build your business’s reputation but also influence search rankings. High-quality, favorable feedback can propel your listing to the forefront of search results.

Integrate relevant keywords: Utilize keywords that are relevant to your business in your Google My Business listing and on your website. Incorporate your business name, location, phone number, and other pertinent keywords throughout your online content. This strategic use of keywords aids search engines in identifying your relevance to local searches.

Expand to other local directories: In addition to Google My Business, you’ll want to consider listing your business in other local directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, Bing Places, and other industry-specific directories. These platforms can further extend your online presence and enhance your local SEO.

here are some extra tips you’ll want to keep in mind as well:

Build Backlinks from Reputable Sources: Backlinks, which are links from other websites to your own, play a significant role in search engine ranking. Focus on acquiring backlinks from high-quality websites with authority in your niche or locality. These endorsements signal to search engines that your website is a credible and valuable resource. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your website is likely to rank in search results.

Create Localized Content: Developing local content that speaks directly to your community can be a game-changer for your local SEO. This content may include blog posts that discuss local events or issues, videos showcasing local attractions or community involvement, and photos that capture the essence of your area. By providing content that resonates with your local audience, you increase your chances of appearing prominently in search results for localized queries.

Community Engagement: Actively engaging with your local community not only fosters goodwill but also boosts your online presence. Consider sponsoring local events, contributing to local charities, and participating in community activities. These actions not only demonstrate your commitment to the area but also often result in online mentions and links from community-related websites, further enhancing your local SEO.

Here’s an example:

If you own a coffee shop in Portland, Oregon, you could optimize for local SEO by:

  • Claiming your Google My Business listing and making sure it is complete and accurate.
  • Encouraging customers to leave reviews on your Google My Business listing.
  • Using relevant keywords throughout your website, such as “coffee shop Portland,” “coffee shop near me,” and “best coffee shop in Portland.”
  • Getting listed in other local directories, such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, and Bing Places.
  • Building backlinks from other websites, such as local news websites and tourism websites.
  • Creating local content, such as blog posts about the best coffee shops in Portland or the history of coffee in Portland.
  • Getting involved in your community by sponsoring local events or donating to local charities.

Use Multimedia

Multimedia plays a pivotal role in the context of voice search, fundamentally altering the way users access and interact with content. Here’s an expanded explanation of why multimedia is indispensable for voice search:

Audible Accessibility: With the advancement of voice technology, users can now access multimedia content audibly. This means that if your website features multimedia elements like videos, podcasts, or audiobooks, users can simply command their voice assistant to play this content. For users on the go, those with visual impairments, or anyone seeking a hands-free experience, multimedia becomes a powerful medium for delivering information and entertainment. By incorporating multimedia, you open up your content to a wider, more diverse audience that can access your material conveniently and intuitively.

Priority in Search Results: Voice assistants are designed to deliver concise, informative, and engaging results to users. Multimedia content, especially videos and audio, is often prioritized by voice search algorithms. This means that if your website integrates multimedia elements, it is more likely to rank higher in voice search results. Multimedia can captivate users and deliver information in a more engaging manner, aligning with the preferences of voice search users who seek quick, interactive, and visually stimulating responses.

Enhanced User Experience: Voice assistants aim to provide the best possible user experience. Multimedia elements contribute to this goal by enriching content delivery. Complex ideas can be conveyed more effectively through visuals or audio, making it easier for users to comprehend and engage with your content. Whether it’s a video tutorial, a podcast interview, or an audiobook version of your blog post, multimedia can elevate the overall user experience, thereby increasing user satisfaction and the likelihood of repeat visits to your site.

Content Versatility: Multimedia offers versatility in content presentation. Users have diverse learning and consumption preferences. Some prefer reading, while others are more inclined towards listening or watching. By offering multimedia options, you cater to these different preferences, ensuring that your content is accessible and appealing to a broader spectrum of users.

How to include multimedia in your content

There are several effective strategies for incorporating multimedia into your website content to optimize for voice search. One simple option is to embed videos from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo directly into relevant pages on your site. This allows visitors to easily watch informative videos without leaving your website. For even more customization, you can upload videos you have created yourself to a video hosting platform and embed those videos instead.

Another great multimedia format is podcasts. You can embed full podcast episodes or clips from podcast hosting platforms like Buzzsprout, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. This gives visitors a quick audio experience right within your content. Similarly, consider embedding short samples or full chapters from audiobook platforms like Audible where appropriate.

When including any multimedia, aim to enhance the user experience and improve comprehension of your surrounding content. Opt for short, digestible clips that illuminate complex topics. Don’t force multimedia just for the sake of it. Finally, ensure accessibility with captions, transcripts, and descriptive alt text. With strategic multimedia use, you can make your content more engaging and voice-search-friendly.

Here is an example of how a travel blogger could use multimedia in their content:

As a travel blogger, you can leverage multimedia to make your content more engaging and optimized for voice search.

For example, you can embed short 1-2 minute YouTube videos directly into blog posts to give readers a quick visual tour of a destination you’re covering. Include clips showing highlights like famous sites, local cuisine, natural landscapes, and more.

Additionally, record and embed travel podcasts interviewing locals, guides, historians, and other experts on topics relevant to the region. These audio clips let readers learn from local perspectives without leaving your site.

And don’t forget to upload your own travel photos and videos to share visuals you captured yourself on the ground. Display stunning photo grids summing up destinations or embed videos of walking tours, scenic drives, and other travels.

Multimedia elements like these add color and depth to your written content while optimizing it for voice searchers seeking audio and visuals. Strategically included multimedia improves comprehension and keeps voice users engaged as they consume your travel site by voice.


In the end, it’s obvious that optimizing your website for voice search is an important step to future-proofing your SEO strategy With voice search queries on the rise, businesses need to adapt their content and site design to maximize visibility and engagement in voice results.

We covered several key optimization strategies, including using natural language keywords, optimizing for featured snippets, improving site speed and accessibility, leveraging local SEO, and incorporating multimedia. By implementing these best practices, you can craft SEO-friendly content tailored for voice search success.

The key takeaways are:

  • Focus on long-tail, conversational keywords that match natural speech patterns. This helps content rank for voice queries.
  • Structure content to provide concise answers to common questions. This enhances chances of being featured in snippets.
  • Reduce page load times through optimizations like image compression, caching, and minification. Faster sites rank better.
  • Ensure accessibility with alt text, transcripts, keyboard navigability, and more. This expands reach.
  • Target local SEO with optimized listings, localized content, and community engagement. This helps local rankings.
  • Add engaging, informative multimedia like videos, podcasts, and audio. Multimedia performs well in voice search.

With voice technology and voice search growing exponentially, optimizing for voice is imperative to connect with your audience. By following these guidelines, you can develop an effective voice search optimization strategy tailored to your business goals and website needs.

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