

How to Use AI to Generate Content That Converts

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Artificial intelligence (AI) content generation refers to using AI tools and models to automatically create written content. Powerful language models like GPT-3 have now made it possible for businesses to produce high-quality, human-like content at scale by simply providing a few prompts.

AI content generation is revolutionizing content marketing and creation. Instead of manually researching topics and painstakingly writing each piece, you can now generate complete articles, social media posts, ad copy, emails, and more within seconds.

The key benefits of AI content generation include:

  • Massive time savings – AI can draft, expand and rewrite content faster than any human. This allows you to scale content production.
  • Consistent quality – AI models can produce content that is clear, grammatically correct and reads naturally. This provides a baseline level of quality.
  • Idea generation – AI can take your prompts and come up with creative ideas and angles you may not have thought of.
  • On-brand messaging – You can fine tune AI models to align with your brand voice, tone and messaging.
  • Personalization – AI can generate personalized content tailored to your audience segments.
  • Higher conversion rates – With more high-quality, relevant and engaging content, you can convert more traffic.

By incorporating AI into your content generation process, you can rapidly produce large volumes of original content optimized for conversions and tailored to your business needs.

How to Use AI Content Generation to Create Content That Converts

Creating high-quality, conversion-focused content at scale is crucial for engaging audiences and driving business growth. However, consistently producing effective content can be time-consuming and challenging. This is where artificial intelligence comes in.

AI content generation tools like ChatGPT are revolutionizing the way businesses approach content creation. These powerful language models can automatically generate human-like content in seconds based on prompts and guidelines. However, simply plugging any prompt into an AI tool won’t magically produce optimized, on-brand content ready for publishing.

In this post, we’ll explore practical tips and strategies for successfully using AI content generation to create data-backed, high-converting content tailored to your business needs. You’ll learn how to:

  • Select the ideal AI content tool for your goals
  • Craft effective prompts to steer AI-generated content
  • Optimize AI output for quality and alignment
  • Integrate AI content as part of your broader strategy
  • Analyze performance to continuously improve

By following these best practices, you can tap into the immense power of artificial intelligence to rapidly scale high-quality content production and boost conversions. Let’s dive in.

Choose the Right AI Tool

With the rapid evolution of AI, there are now many different content generation tools to choose from. Do your research and select one that best fits your needs and budget. Look for AI tools that allow fine-tuning for your brand voice, integrate well with your tech stack, and offer robust content capabilities.

Popular options include:

  • ChatGPT (free but limited use) – best for short-form content and ideation
  • Copy.ai (paid plans) – excellent for long-form content in different formats
  • Jasper.ai (paid plans) – great for creative content and collaboration
  • ShortlyAI (paid plans) – optimized for SEO-focused content

Provide Clear, Detailed Prompts

The quality of your AI-generated content depends hugely on the prompts you provide. Clearly explain the goals of the content, target audience, length, tone, and any specific details to include. Provide examples of high-performing content as reference.

Pro tip: Frame prompts as creative briefs, outlining all the elements needed to create optimized, on-brand content.

Review and Refine the Output

Never publish AI-generated content as is. Always manually review for errors, unnecessary repetition, grammar issues, factual inaccuracies, and brand alignment. Refine and optimize the content before using it.

Integrate AI Content into Your Strategy

Use AI as part of your broader content strategy and creative process. Let AI handle repetitive content like social posts, emails, etc. while using it to ideate and draft ideas for high-value content like guides and videos.

Measure Performance

Analyze how your AI-generated content performs using conversion tracking, engagement metrics, A/B testing, etc. Use these insights to further adapt and improve your AI prompts and content output.

Specific AI Tools for Content Generation

AI is paving the way for efficiency and innovation. Here are some standout AI tools that can supercharge your content generation efforts:


ChatGPT is the viral conversational AI chatbot from OpenAI. It can generate a wide range of content from scratch based on prompts and conversational cues. Benefits include free access, human-like responses, and versatility across content formats. Limitations are output length and lack of memory.


Bard is Google’s AI chatbot that is designed to be helpful, harmless, and honest. It aims to provide high-quality responses backed by external sources. Bard can summarize long text, answer queries, and generate content. It is currently in limited testing.


Jasper is an enterprise-grade AI writing assistant designed for marketing teams. It enables collaborative content creation via an intuitive UI. Powerful features include long-form writing, SEO optimization,team workflows, and custom voice training. Pricing starts at $29/month.


Copysmith is a Robotic Text Automation platform focused on long-form, human quality content. Users can generate blog posts, landing pages, emails, social posts, and more. It also has collaboration features and integrates with other martech tools. Plans start at $47/month.


ShortlyAI utilizes its proprietary NLP engine to produce high-converting marketing copy tailored to SEO. Users can generate landing pages, emails, social posts, and other assets. Customizable SEO features help drive organic traffic. Subscriptions start at $37/month.

The wide range of advanced AI content creation platforms now available means there’s an option suited for virtually any content need and budget. Do your research to find the best fit.

Tips for Using AI Content Generation Effectively

Unlocking the full potential of AI content generation is a transformative journey that can significantly enhance your content creation process. Consider the following essential tips as your guiding beacons:

Use AI to Augment Human Creativity

AI content tools are meant to augment, not replace, human creativity. Use them to ideate fresh angles for content, not for entire end-to-end creation. Always have a human review and refine any AI-generated drafts before publishing. Let AI handle repetitive content, while focusing your energy on high-value assets.

Define Clear Goals

Be very specific with the AI about your goals for each piece of content you want to generate. Do you want an SEO-focused blog post? A snappy social media post? AI works best when given a clear direction. Provide examples of high-performing content that meets your goals.

Vary Your Content Formats

Use AI content generation to efficiently produce a wide variety of formats. From long-form blog posts to punchy ad copy, AI can help create diverse content tailored to different channels and audiences. This variety also gives you more data points to analyze and optimize.

Analyze Performance

Leverage data to guide your AI content process. Use A/B testing, conversion tracking, and other analytics to objectively measure how well your AI-generated content performs. Identify successes and failure points. Continuously tweak your prompts and guidelines based on data insights.

Refine and Customize

Invest time upfront in training the AI tool on your brand voice, tone, messaging, keywords, and other preferences. The more you refine the AI to your needs, the better aligned the output will be. Revisit these settings periodically to further customize the platform.

By following these best practices in your approach to AI content creation, you can maximize both quality and efficiency. The end goal is data-backed content that converts.


The rise of advanced AI content generation tools represents a massive opportunity for marketers and businesses to scale high-quality, optimized content. As we have explored in this article, leveraging artificial intelligence can help you rapidly ideate, produce, and refine a wide range of conversion-focused content tailored to your goals.

However, simply plugging a prompt into ChatGPT or another AI tool won’t automatically generate marketing gold. To tap into the true potential of AI content creation, you need to select the right platform for your needs, provide thoughtful prompts and guidelines, meticulously refine the output, and continuously analyze performance data to improve over time.

Used strategically, AI content generation delivers game-changing efficiency gains. But human creativity, critical thinking, and strategic oversight still remain essential to the process. The most effective approach is using artificial intelligence to augment, not replace, skilled humans on your content team.

The tips provided in this post should help you get started in incorporating AI content creation into your marketing stack in an impactful way. Treat it as a tool to amplify content production and optimize for the metrics that matter most – like conversion rates. With the right strategy, AI can take your content marketing efforts to the next level.

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