

Mastering Influence: Three Behavioral Science Tips for Marketers

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Want to improve your marketing results? Wondering how to tap into proven human behaviors to influence people? In this post, I share three behavioral science tips that can lead to better marketing results.

In the following Social Media Examiner video, Nancy Harhut will discuss the principles of authority, autonomy bias, and cognitive fluency – all backed by research in the field of behavioral science. Understanding these core drivers of human behavior can help you craft more persuasive messaging and campaigns.

Nancy Harhut from Social Media Examiner will dives deeper into why marketers should focus on behavioral science and offers additional examples of using behavioral psychology principles for better marketing.

The key takeaway is that human behavior is quite predictable, and you can use that to your advantage as a marketer. Let’s get into the behavioral science tactics you can start testing right away!

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