

The Shape of Things to Come: Google in 2014

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FutureChange.  It’s always going to be there.  We may not think about it, but it’s always been there, in the past, present and future.  SEO is no exception, as many major factors in the field will be constantly changing and evolving, never to be the same again.

Look at Not Provided.  We’ll probably never again be able to use keyword data again, at least not in the same form as it once was.  Times change and we  have no choice but to move along with it.

Google is always changing as well, and at this point, there’s no indication that it will always evolve.  With all of their acquisitions, like Wavii, Behav.io, PostRank and Grapple, among others, it’ll be interesting to see what will happen in the future.

Gianluca Fiorelli wrote an article about the shape of things to come for Google in 2014, and discusses why he thinks the future of Google will be centered around entity and semantic search, über-personalization.  All of this technology will interact with each other, effectively shaping Google and how we experience it in 2014.  Gianluca writes to show us how we can deal with the changes made by Google.

For the full article, click here.

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