

Still Newsjacking For Links? Forget That, Make The News Instead!

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NewsLately, Google has never really cared that much for getting links, in any shape or form.  This can make it much tougher to get people to get to your site if you can’t get links out there for people to see.  After all, even with the stink Google is putting out there about not buying links and what have you, links are still very important when it comes to a site’s SERP ranking.  What is it that a marketer can do to get links if they aren’t able to obtain them in the “normal” ways?

Simply put, you’ve got to earn them baby!

Larry Kim has a case study to share with us on Search Engine Land where he tells his story of how he earned a bunch of press coverage and ultimately, links from huge publications.  Check out the link below to find out how it was done.

Search Engine Land: Still Newsjacking For Links? Forget That, Make The News Instead!

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