

Stop Feeling Like an Imposter! Michael Stelzner’s Advice for Gaining Confidence

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Have you ever wanted to start a business, launch a podcast, or create something from scratch but held yourself back because you didn’t think you were good enough? If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs and creatives struggle with imposter syndrome – the feeling that you’re a fraud and don’t have the skills or talent to accomplish your goals.

I wanted to share a great video from Social Media Examiner that provides some useful tips on how to overcome imposter syndrome. Social Media Examiner is one of the top sites for social media news, how-to’s, and strategies for marketers and business owners. The founder, Michael Stelzner, understands the self-doubt that often comes with pursuing big goals and putting yourself out there.

In this video, Stelzner shares his own experiences with imposter syndrome and offers advice on how to move past those doubtful thoughts. He provides perspective on why we tend to underestimate ourselves and practical strategies to gain more confidence in your abilities. If you sometimes feel like an imposter, I highly recommend checking out the video below from Social Media Examiner to get inspired, motivated, and back on track:

I hope you find this video as helpful as I did! Now get out there and start creating. You’ve got this!

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