

The Power of a 10-Week Client Onboarding Process


Starting a new client relationship off on the right foot is crucial for long-term success. Rushing into campaigns without fully understanding the client’s business and goals often leads to disappointment on both sides.

That’s why today I want to share an insightful video from Christopher Carr and Brook Sellas of Social Media Examiner on implementing a 10-week client discovery process.

In the video, Christopher and Brook explain:

  • Why taking the time upfront for in-depth client discovery pays off
  • The specific tools and strategies they use during the 10-week onboarding period
  • How to transition from discovery to strategic planning
  • The value of an extended onboarding process for agencies

Whether you’re an agency or manage social campaigns in-house, a thoughtful onboarding process is key. This video reveals how an intentional client discovery phase sets up both the client and agency for achievement.

Check out the full video from Social Media Examiner below for a step-by-step look at their successful 10-week approach:

Let me know if you would like me to expand or modify the introduction in any way. I’m happy to refine it until you have a strong introduction for the post.

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