

App Marketers Are Now Able To Upload Customer IDs to AdWords For Targeting on Google Display Network

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Google-accelerated-mobile-pagesGoogle has recently add the ability to upload adverting IDs to AdWords in order to help app marketers improve their retention and engagment rates with users who have already downloaded their apps.  You could say it’s like Customer Match, but for apps.

With this AdWords ability, a developer can upload their own lists of IDs for any existing app user with the new bulk IDFA/advertising ID upload capability.  Both of Apple’s IDFA (Identifier For Advertising) and Google’s advertising ID will allow apps to track and ad target so that they won’t have to rely on an identifier uniquely tied to a specific device.

The new bulk upload capability allows app marketers to export segments of app user IDs form analytics tools and upload them directly to AdWords.  There are campaigns that can be targed on apps across the Google Display Network.

Source – Ginny Marvin

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