

Bing’s Site Explorer Gets Revamped In New Bing Webmaster Tools

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On October 15 in an announcement, Bing has completely relaunched a totally new version of Bing Site Explorer. This is not a simple migration of features from one version to another.

Fabrice Canel from Microsoft said, “This is a complete new experience, cleaner and far easier to use and complete new system to support this tool.”

Site Explorer displays how Microsoft Bing sees your site, showing you how most URLs has been seen while being indexed.

According to Microsoft Bing Blog, “Explore in a lighting fast experience, each folder and URL, inside your site’s structure and access relevant crawl information from the recent crawls of your site along with clicks, impressions and backlinks counts.”

  1. Indexed – Number of URLs which have been successfully indexed inside that folder.
  2. Error – Critical crawl errors which have led to not indexing of URLs.
  3. Warning – These may include URLs with guidelines issues, temporary crawl issues or robots.txt disallowed, etc. Webmasters should periodically check for an increase/decrease in these numbers.
  4. Excluded – URLs with spam violations, low rank etc.

Source – Microsoft Bing Blogs and Search Engine Land

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