

Building Links with Great Content – Natural Syndication Networks

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It seems that the best way to improve domain authority is to generate large numbers of earned links from high authority publishers.

It’s not possible to get these links via:

  • Link exchanges
  • Buying links
  • Private Blog Networks, or PBNs
  • Comment links
  • Paid native content or sponsored posts
  • Any other method you may have encountered

It’s not possible to take shortcuts here, as the only way to earn these links is to create content that can capture the interest of a publisher’s audience that the publisher will want to write about that content themselves.

Success, then, is predicated on doing three things extremely well:

  1. Developing newsworthy content (typically meaning that content is data-driven)
  2. Understanding who to pitch for the best opportunity at success and natural syndication
  3. Writing and sending pitches effectively

Point 1 and 3 have been covered on various Moz posts.  In this case, the focus will be on the second point, where Kristin Tynski will investigate methods for understanding and choosing the best places to pitch your content.  But to be specific, she will reveal the hidden news syndication networks that can mean the difference between generating less than a handful or thousands of links from your data-driven content.

[Read the full article on Moz.com]

Source – Kristin Tynski

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