

Case Study: How Should You Be Using RLSAs?

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Google-remarketing-tipsWho doesn’t know what RLSA stands for?  For anybody who hasn’t always been in the SEO loop, it stands for Remarketing Lists for Search Ads.  Google launched RLSAs earlier this year at the end of June.  When they first came out, people tired figuring out the best ways to use these lists to the best of their advantages.

And after about a half a year, it seems that people are finally getting the hang of the RLSAs.  Sam Owen has gotten to write about the RLSAs and how they can be used by SEOs.  He discusses why RLSAs are important, their implementation, and the various strategies that are available for using RLSAs.

To learn more about what Sam has written about RLSAs, check out his full article entitled “How Should You Be Using RLSAs?”  Follow the link below to read his article:

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