

Conduct a Backlink Profile Analysis with Excel (case study)

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Seo-backlinks-hiHave you ever suspected that you were hit with an algorithmic penalty from Google?  Or are you unclear on why you’re losing rankings?  If either of these things have happened to you, it may be a good idea to do something about.  And what exactly would that be?  You should probably preform a backlink profile analysis.  By analyzing your backlink profile, you can get a better look and a better understanding of the links you have and how they’ve been employed.  If you can do this sort of thing all on your own, imagine how easy it is for Google to see what you’re doing with your site.

In an article written by Osanda Cooray, you will be walked through how you can conduct a backlink profile analysis using backlink exports from Open SIte Explorer, Link Detective, and Excel.  Osanda takes takes us through a case study where clifton.com’s backlink profile was analyzed when Cliftons lost a good chunk of organic ranking based on Moz ranking reports.

To check out the full article and case study, follow the link provided below.

YouMoz: Conduct a Backlink Profile Analysis with Excel (case study)

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