

Google Goes After Mobile Native Advertising With New AdSense Formats

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Google is fixing the one hole that has remained as a key weakness in mobile advertising: native ads.  The company announced on Wednesday the launch of native ads for all AdSense publishers.

Native ad format in AdSense includes in-feed, in-article and matched content.  All can be customized to match the look and feel of the publisher’s mobile sites.  Any or all of these ad categories ca be used by publishers on their sites.

Matched content is Google’s content recommendation product that launched in 2015 for AdSense publishers to promote their own content.  The publishers who are eligible are now able to show relevant ads in tier Matched content units, which will appear at the bottom of articles.

When it comes to the advertisers, these units are populated with responsive ads that Google has been heavily pushing.

Source – Ginny Marvin

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