

Google+ Your Business – Promoting Mobile App Installs with AdWords

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Google+ reviewsIn this episode of Google+ Your Business,you’ll be shown how to create an AdWords mobile app installs campaign to promote your app. A recent consumer study conducted with Ipsos shows that over 25% of smartphone app users rely on search engines to find a new app. AdWords makes it easy for you to promote your app on Google search, so people can discover and download it, while they’re searching.

– Download the checklist of best practices on how to use Google ads across search, display, and video to promote your mobile app:http://goo.gl/dgcQL2

– The steps covered in this video are available in a quick reference guide for easy use: http://goo.gl/JDlczU

– For more tips on app installs and engagement, visit: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/6089776#mobile

– Learn more about Android and iOS app promotion in the AdWords Help Center: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2549053?rd=1

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