

Google’s 2015 “Bad Ads” Report: 780 Million Ads, 25K App Accounts Shut Down

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Google-thumbFor a while now, Google has an annual report, where it showcases all of the annoying, malicious tricks and scam ads that the company blocked the prior year that they called the “Bad Ads” report.  But now, things have changed.  Google is now calling this report the “Better Ads” report.  Despite the name change, there really isn’t too much of a difference in the report’s end result.

In 2015, there was a team of over 1,000 people at Google that, along with Google systems themselves, disable 780 million bad ads globally.  This is an increase from the 534 million ads that the company took down last year, and the 350 million that was shut down in 2013.

Because the search industry has been dipping heavily into mobile, it’s no surprise that this years report highlights actions that were taken on mobile ads and app developers.  There were about 25,000 app accounts that had been disabled from carrying the ads, rather than the button as intended.  Last June, Google had also made changes that would help reduce the impact of fat-finger clicks on mobile ads.

Overall, Google had that it had rejected over 1.4 million advertising account applications from apps and sites last year.

The head of Google ads, Sridhar Ramaswamy, wrote that future efforts would include “updates like further restricting what can be advertised as effective for weight loss and adding new protections against malware and bots.”

Check out the full report here.


Source – Ginny Marvin

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