

Hummingbird: Change Is Here And Now

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Google-hummingbird-algorithmWith all the major changes and updates going on behind Google’s doors, it’s no surprise that this keeps people busy trying to understand how they work.  With the newest update, Hummingbird, it seems that there is a new paradigm of SEO that isn’t revolving around keywords as we’re all accustomed to.  Now, SEO revolves around concepts, not keywords.  This all makes sense with the growing list of Not Provided keywords in our analytics.

Warren Lee has written an article for Search Engine Marketing entitled, “Hummingbird In The Trenches: A Canary In The Coal Mine,” and in it, Warren has made his argument about this major shift in search.  In the article, he presents evidence, and lets us all know what he thinks should be done about it as marketers.

To discover more about the shift and read about observations made by SEO experts, follow the link below:

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