

Scaling from Zero: How Data-Driven Advertising Can Lead to Profitability

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Many budgeting guides recommend allocating a percentage of profits to advertising. But what if you don’t have profits yet? Where do you even begin? In this video, I’ll share a 4-step approach to ad spend that successful businesses used when starting out with $0.

First, you need to commit a minimum monthly ad budget to get results – think $500-1000 to start. Second, A/B test different ads and audiences to see what resonates. Third, evaluate return on ad spend, not just conversions. Fourth, turn off poor performers and double down on what works.

The key is starting small, testing relentlessly, and scaling up based on data – not assumptions. With patience and persistence, this framework can take you from $0 to profitability. The video will explain exactly how in this video, so keep watching!

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