

Social Engagement Metrics That Matter

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Social-media-sharing-header-650x0Personally, when it comes to SEO, I think my favorite part of the entire process is the social media.  With social media, you can find new things to see and do every day, and you can communicate with people outside of your company.  I find it quite enjoyable.

But, on the back-end of social media, things aren’t quite so fun.  The process of tracking metrics and data, and knowing if you’re actually meeting your social media goals is what can make things such a bummer.  Trying to make sure that everybody understands that social media is worth the effort, even within your own team, should be a big focus.  As I said before, it’s fun and easy doing the deed, but you still need to take the time to measure and understand the foundation of your social media efforts.

Jen Lopez works at Moz.  She is the Director of Community within the company, and has the pleasure of dealing with things like social media within Moz.  Jen has written up an Moz Blog post where she will take us through the process used at Moz for measure their social efforts.  In her blog post, you will learn about the things that go on under the hood of the beast, such as their social media goals, engagement metrics and tracking, and reporting.

Her post can be found on Moz.com, or, if you’re wanting a quicker way of getting there, just follow the link below!

Moz Blog: Social Metrics That Matter – Measuring, Tracking, and Reporting FTW


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