

Use This Method to Start Writing Content Faster

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There are some folks out there that who seem to be natural at writing content.  They’re able to beautifully articulate their words that allows them to no only inform, but engage and persuade the readers that come across their work.

But there are others who don’t seem so gifted at writing, and when they write, they don’t have nearly the same impact.  This can slow down progress, as well as reduce results and profitability.

Regardless of who is doing the writing, creating good content can be difficult and challenging.

If you feel that you’re one of the people that have a difficult time writing good content, rest assured, there is a way to understand the outcome you’re looking for.

The mistake that a lot of people make is that they have an idea for an article and they simply begin writing.  This isn’t really the best approach since it can lead to creating content that wanders aimlessly.

Instead, it’s a good idea to take a step back and create a structured plan, which would allow you or somebody else to write an article that informs, educates, and persuades readers.  To do it this way would be a much more effective manner.

In an Search Engine Journal article by Jeremy Knouff, he will share the method that he used in his digital marketing agency, both four their own writing and for the writing they do for their  clients.  He based this on the Marine Corps Five Paragraph Order, which is the planning methodology we used to plan all of their missions.

When you follow this plan, you and/or your writers will be able to more efficiently produce the kind of content that gets people talking about you, your content, and your brand, and you won’t even need to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show to achieve that!

[Check out the full article here on Search Engine Journal]

SourceJeremy Knouff

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