

Twitter Launches Engage, A Companion App To Provide Stats On Audiences

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Twitter-logoIf you’re looking for actionable insights from your Twitter participation, then you’re in luck!  Twitter has just announced the release of Twitter Engage, which is a US-only iOS app that is intended to give any content creator the ability to connect with fans and influencers.

Using Engage, you’ll be provided with real time insights, inclusive of notifications for when influencers follow the connected account or mention the account.

Here’s what it looks like:

Engageinphone-influencer-follow 1

You can find real time insights from within the app, such as recent number of likes, retweets, mentions and impressions.  They are all served via a dashboard:

Understandinphone-twitter-data-insights 2

Also, Engage provides content review and performance activity metrics.  This means that content creaters can see data around each individual conversation that they’ve started.

Postsinphone-twitter-engage 3

Finally, Twitter says tat similar app executions will be rolled out to Niche and Vine in time.

Source – Tamar Weinberg

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