

Facebook & Instagram Now Offering Ads Targeted At Holiday Shoppers

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Facebook-76536_1280If you’re a “last minute shopper for holiday” customer, you can take heart in knowing that there is still time with Facebook and Instagram.

There is a new ad-targeting rolling out for the social network that enables brands to zero in on people who are highly engaged with content related to holiday shopping, including Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  The segment can be used on any ad format on either network, and will run from Thanksgiving through New Years Day.

Facebook pulls together the audience by finding holiday-related keywords in posts that people publish and posts they like, comment on and share.  The audience, just like all other Facebook targeting, will be aggregated and anonymized.

This segment is already available within Facebook self-service ad dashboards in both the Behaviors” section and “Seasonal and Events” category.

Original Source by Martin Beck

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