

How Gen Z Relates to Brands (Infographic)

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Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, refers to the demographic cohort born between 1997 and 2012. This generation was born during a time where the internet and social media are ubiquitous. Gen Z is the first truly digital native generation – they do not remember a time before smartphones, social platforms, and on-demand services.

This immersion in technology and social media from a young age has shaped Gen Z in important ways. They tend to be extremely comfortable with all things digital and rely heavily on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube not just for entertainment but also for identity, self-expression, and social influence. Brands hoping to connect with Gen Z need to meet them where they already are – on social media and through influencer marketing.

At the same time, Gen Z is very concerned about the dangers of living too much life online. They aim for authenticity and want brands that promote transparency and social causes. In summary, Gen Z is the most diverse, educated, and socially-conscious generation yet. Their digital fluency and social consciousness present both opportunities and challenges for brands hoping to engage them.

As Generation Z comes of age and gains purchasing power, businesses are taking note and adapting their strategies to cater to this group’s preferences and behaviors. This generation, born between 1997 and 2012, is driving big changes in marketing, ecommerce, and more.

Gen Z already accounts for $143 billion in direct annual spending, along with an additional $127 billion spent on their behalf by family members. With their digital native tendencies, Gen Z is gradually shifting attention away from social media platforms and towards more interactive apps like Roblox, Fortnite, and Twitch. These have become key destinations for digital events and engagement.

Businesses are realigning their marketing approach around Gen Z’s affinity for video, influencers, and authentic brand experiences. They’re also updating their ecommerce checkout flows to match Gen Z’s mobile-first mentality.

Key consumption trends among Gen Z include:

  • A preference for individual expression, with 20% identifying as LGBTQ+
  • Higher racial diversity that calls for culturally aware marketing
  • An expectation of brand transparency and social consciousness

Understanding these key trends will be crucial for businesses hoping to win over and build loyalty with Gen Z consumers in the years to come. Adapting product offerings and marketing outreach to align with their preferences will pave the way for future success.

At the bottom of this post, you’ll find an infographic on how Gen Z relates to brands.

But, before get to that, let’s talk about how brands can attract Gen Z.

How Brands Can Attract Gen Z

With their digital fluency and socially conscious mindset, Generation Z represents a lucrative yet challenging demographic for brands to resonate with. Winning over these young consumers will require embracing new marketing approaches tailored to their values. Here are some key ways brands can update their strategies to attract Gen Z:

Use user-generated content

Gen Z responds better to content created by their peers than polished brand campaigns. Brands should leverage user-generated reviews, unboxings, and other content to promote products authentically.

Be social

Maintaining an active presence on Gen Z’s preferred platforms like TikTok and Instagram is key. Brands should post regularly with Visually engaging and fun content tailored to each platform’s culture.

Be inclusive

Gen Z is the most diverse generation yet. Brands must ensure their campaigns, imagery, and products are inclusive and promote diversity. Things like gender-neutral product options appeal to Gen Z values.

Be authentic

Gen Z has a highly tuned radar for inauthentic branding and empty corporate-speak. Brand messaging should be transparent, promote social causes, and highlight real people over branding.

By embracing user-created content, diversifying their social presence, celebrating inclusivity, and focusing on authenticity, brands can begin building meaningful connections with Gen Z consumers.

Putting these Gen Z marketing strategies into action requires a deep understanding of this generation’s preferences, behaviors, and values. An insightful infographic from Now Sourcing helps illustrate key statistics and patterns in how Gen Z relates to and engages with brands across digital platforms.

Reviewing the infographic details will equip your brand with actionable insights to help prioritize Gen Z in your marketing and growth strategies in the years ahead.

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