

Google Would Like You To Buy Products Using Voice Search

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Google-logo-feature-1030x686Yesterday at SMX, we found out, according to Beshad Behzadi, the Principal Engineer at Google Zurich, that Google is working on conversational search.  With conversational search, users would be able to buy or locate products just by speaking to their devices.

An example that was given was if you were looking for a lower price or finding nearby stores.  To take it one step further, you can even make purchases for products directly from voice search, such as if you wanted to buy an external hard drive.  Just say something like, “Okay Google, find me a 1TB solid state external hard drive.”  From the results that Google displays, you can then say, “Purchase the one from BestBuy.”  After that, you’ll be given a receipt from BesstBuy with your delivery information.

With the fact that Behzadi said that Google has been “working on conversations shopping,” how do you think this could match up nicely with Google Product Listings data?  This kind of structure would work quite well with conversational shopping.

Source – Barry Schwartz

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