

Web Searcher Experience: Is Delight Overrated?

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User-experienceOn many websites, user experience (UX) is a pretty major thing.  Without it, the site would be dull, boring, and nobody would want to use it very much.  One word that is heard quite often with a great UX is ‘delight’.  This is a term that is commonly used when a website is fun to use and is quite engaging.  by making a delightful site, users are more encouraged to empathize with your company, organization or brand.

It’s important, when trying to market your site for users you want to delight them.  But the other factor you can’t ignore is great SEO for that site as well.  It’s about understanding the goals and behaviors of web searchers.

If you’re an advertiser/marketer/SEO professional, you want to not only make sure your site isn’t just optimized for the search engines.  Include a wonderful, delightful experience that’ll make others not only visit your site, but stay for a while.  Hell, you might even get a conversion or two for the trouble.

So with all this talk of including ‘delight’ into your site’s UX, what role should this factor play into your planning?  Shari Thurow has thrown her stake into the conversation and has written a post about it.  You can find her post, Web Searcher Experience: Is Delight Overrated? on Marketing Land.  Check it out!

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